Monday, November 9, 2009

What About Betty?

I was thoroughly disappointed with two of my favorite shows recently. The first of them is the semi-sarcastic High School Musical parody 'Glee,' the other is the hyper-inflated dramedy 'Ugly Betty.'

Glee needs to stop pimping out Mr. Schueler like a Justin Timberlake wannabe pop star with badly recorded 80's lipsynching and get back to the kids. Lea Michele's skirts keep getting higher and musical numbers are starting to scream for attention.

Ugly Betty just has too much going on, I doubt it could attract and maintain new viewers. The show is turning into the final stages of Jinga, where it's only a matter of time until the tower of blocks crumbles down upon itself against the weight of plot twists and character exaggerations. Michael Urie's eyes were in constant peeled back form; apparently, not blinking is his thing. Every new character has got some scheme going on: Daniel's new assistant, Wilhelmina's daughter, Judith Light. And poor Betty and her Latino familia is left on the sidelines.

I normally don't watch too much tv, but I've conformed a little. So sue me.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about Glee. Every time the teacher starts to rap and do old school moves, and it's always him, I cringe. He has proven that he can be 'down with the kids' but I don't need to see it again.

    Betty does go in circles, and how long does she need braces for? 4 seasons so far? Stupid show premise.
