Monday, February 2, 2009

More Ugh!

I'm taking this period of unemployment as a time for me to simplify my life and wait for good things to come. Yes, I am still "diligently looking for employment" (as required for my deferment for student loans and the unemployment benefits that I don't qualify for), but in my down time, which is like, all my time, I am taking my positive energy and creating beautiful things.

One of those things is dance. I just came back from a hip-hop class at the gym and I feel pumped. I'm trying to put more 'Ugh!' in my life, Julia Stiles style. You know, ugh! in my attitude. Ugh! in my smile. Ugh! in my game. All I need now is a crew and I'll be set.

For those of you's out there (that's right, I said you's) who are also down and shit out of luck, I suggest to to put a little ugh! in your life too. If you're unemployed, so are millions of Americans out there, and the numbers won't be improving anytime soon so ugh! to the economy. If you're lonely, well love yourself because ugh! you are beautiful. And if you can't dance, then ugh! when you walk. Straight to the unemployment office.

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