Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hey, Tiger. Shut up!

I really don't understand this whole Tiger Woods situation. There was a car crash and then a mistress and then the wifey is making statements. Am I the only person in the world who doesn't really care? I mean, this story is second in the headlines only to the president's speech about the war in Afganistan. If even.

Maybe if Tiger played a game that actually had defense he'd be able to escape the media blitz. The damn fool's making apologies left and right, telling everyone he let his family down and didn't live up to his values. CNN is gonna eat that shit up, dude! Hey, Tiger. Shut the fuck up. Who do you think you are, Gov. Sanford of South Carolina?

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more! How is this Tiger story at all relevant or important? This isn't news, yet even Chris Matthews is talking about it.

    Does the American mainstream only have the capacity to understand and follow these shallow, soap-operatic story lines? This is nothing new, but our collective daftness ceases to astound me.
