Monday, March 30, 2009

Soft Parents, Spoiled Brats

I'm sitting in a cafe writing the next installment of my murder mystery novel and there's a little boy whining his ass off on his mother's lap a few feet away from me. The kid must be about seven and his mother is cradling him in her arms like she's about to breastfeed him at any moment. How old must a child be to teach him or her to stop whining? There are two little girls of about the same age sitting across from the kid but the girls aren't bitching about everything. Is this the future of the American male? I bet my bottom dollar that the mother just had a divorce, judging by how she shelters her babe like she's hiding from Nazis in a house attic. I don't ascribe to the belief that a lack of a male role model turns kids gay, but giving in to a boy's every whim and catering to him hand and foot definitely puts the kid in line to be a mommas boy.

What are the statistics? 50% of marriages end in the first six months, right. Talk about abuse of heterosexual rights. Breeders getting hitched willy-nilly and reproducing offspring in broken homes while gays and lesbians are marching in the street for the same rights to raise fucked up kids. Not my kids. Whether I adopt, father or steal a child, I know I'd be a good dad. None of this gushy whimpering sweet child of mine bullshit that psychologist tell white people their kids need. Minorities don't give a shit. Kids don't know right from wrong but they will with good parenting. I'm not talking about whaling on your kids when you get home from work to relieve some stress, that's just fucked up . I'm talking about lickins', whoopins', all those terms that aren't found in most modern dictionaries when it comes to disciplining a child. I was spanked as a kid and I turned out fine. Don't even go there.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Portland, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Seattle

I'm counting down the dreary days in Bridgetown, tying up loose ends and spending time with close ones. The economy in Portland is not very big: few jobs and tons of unemployed, educated young folk. My work experience and Bachelor's degree will go farther in Honolulu where I'll be able to pay off my credit card debts and save up for a car.

I also applied for a paid internship in LA for the summer which will look good on my resume. I'll be able to see my best friend Reyn and do the LA thing, whatever that is.

From LA, I will either go straight to Seattle for graduate school (if I get accepted) or go back to Hawaii and then go to Seattle. Either way, this kid is heading for the world!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Dearest Only Sister

I had a wonderful dinner tonight, although I only drank a Naked Juice. You are maturing into such a beautiful, young lady and I know that any path you choose will be one of success. I love you and wish you the best. Now, if you excuse me. I have to write a thank you letter to my hairstylist. That's right, my hairstylist.



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Murder at the River City Rave

I'm on the third chapter of my murder mystery novel. It's about a sexually ambiguous, half-Japanese former snitch named Fuller Clark in a city based on Portland, OR. It's loads of fun.

Portland is too small of a town. From my place to Powells downtown I met four guys I knew, and no, I did not sleep with any of them, thank you.

I'm a little under the weather and everyone is giving me drugs. My roommate gave me these two pills what may have been ibuprofen or muscle relaxer, my friend Katie gave me grapefruit extract and orange juice, and my other friend Shawn gave me four tiny homeopathic pills that I held under my tongue until the pills dissolved into a tiny, thick foam and disappeared. At least I knew my medicine people. So far, still coughing.

One of Shawn's friends was reading a graphic novel that had cyborg, Nazi gorillas and I posited a movie out of it.

"Angelica Houston versus cyborg, Nazi gorillas with Jack Black as Hitler."

Who wouldn't see that movie? Come one!

I saw I Love You, Man this weekend. Loved it. Necessary for men in this day and age. Paul Rudd gave another excellent performance of a nice yuppie. I'm waiting for his gay role, if he hasn't already played the part in another movie. That, or serial killer.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm Going Back to Honolulu

Family troubles, what can I say?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I Believe In President Obama

According to conservatives, having faith in the President I voted for means I'm a fool. Well fuck them. The system is finally working for me, a regular lower-class citizen, instead of the corporate oligarchs that run the Washington system. President Obama is not a socialist. He's a populist. He is giving the American people a fighting chance to survive these times of economic uncertainty by not catering to the big businesses or lobbyists. The working class, the middle class, the people who voted for him are finally getting somewhere. I myself have seen some stimulus.